The intention of this Blog is to impart our interpretation of guidance on good practice when Storing Controlled drugs in a vehicle.
It is ultimately the responsibility of the Controlled drugs accountable officer how they perceive the best and most secure method for Storing Controlled drugs in a vehicle for their own specific operational requirements.
We strongly advise you to seek the guidance of your CD accountable officer before embarking on a particular storage method.
Storing Controlled drugs in a vehicle
The Misuse of Drugs ( safe custody) regulations 1975 regulates the storage and safe custody of Controlled drugs in Care homes and Community Pharmacies. Although the Misuse of Drugs ( safe custody) regulations 1975 do not apply to Ambulance trusts they are considered to be a good minimum standard for the storage of Controlled drugs.
If the vehicle is an Ambulance then the following is advisable:-
- The Controlled drugs cabinets should be fitted to the vehicle using a secure mounting point on the vehicle ( chassis member ).
- Fixing bolts and fixing brackets supplied with the CD cabinet should be fitted according to the manufacturers requirements.
- The fixing bolts should only be accessible from inside the CD cabinet.
- Ensure the Ambulance does not have a false floor, if so take extra precautions by fitting additional brackets which can be supplied by the manufacturer.
- Vehicles including Ambulances used for Storing Controlled drugs in a vehicle should be alarmed.They should also be kept overnight in a locked building preferably also alarmed if CDs are stored within the vehicle for operational reasons.
If the vehicle is not an Ambulance but for operational reasons Storing Controlled drugs in a vehicle is a necessity then the following should be considered:-
- Do not display on the vehicle any thing which would draw attention to the vehicle.
- Do not display on the vehicle any markings which would indicate Controlled drugs are stored in the vehicle.
- When the vehicle is left unattended ensure it is locked and parked in a well lit area and public place.
- If possible when the vehicle is left unattended and particularly overnight the Controlled drugs should be removed from the vehicle and stored in a controlled drugs cabinet designed specifically for this purpose.
This information is for guidance only. We strongly advise you consult your Controlled drugs accountable officer before implementing any changes or Storing Controlled drugs in a vehicle.
We hope this has provided useful information and should you wish to discuss any aspects of it further please do not hesitate to contact us on 01623 559966